So here is what we have to do twice a day:
1. Scrub around the eyelashes with diluted baby shampoo on a cotton swab.
2. Warm compress
3. Eye ointment to be put in the lower lid as a precaution to keep any possible infection from spreading to the eye.
Seriously not the easiest when dealing with a 2.5...almost 3 year old.
She was a little trooper at the doctors and we got her lastest measurements :)
Height-39inches Weight- 28.8Ibs
A closer look at the eye...had to hold her head still to get it.
Looking defeated after our first "battle"
A Popsicle to make amends
It's good to see it's not slowing her down.
Now I've gotta run and start slicing up my peaches for my peach crisp.