Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Day Thirteen

Fresh from the oven...

I felt the need to bake today.  Not really sure what was behind that yearning desire to bake.  Maybe it was the fact that I knew it's always nice to come home to fresh baked treats so I thought it might be appreciated.

I had a large container of oats left from the last time I made monster cookies so I thought oatmeal raisin would be good.  Here is the finished product...

and here is Ava enjoying a warm cookie...

I think she approved.

I am also excited to announce that I have been chosen for two awards.  The first was from my friend Chelsea for the seven random things I listed in a prior post.

and this one is from my friend Mel and my list of 10 things that make me happy is below.

1. My beautiful daughter Ava
2. My boyfriend Aaron
3. Photography
4. All of the Mommas from MMT
5. Chocolate
6. A good book
7. A long bath
8. Christmas
9. Trying out new recipes
10. A good Movie

I don't think I have 10 blogs to gift this too since many of the ones who follow me have already done it so I will list only a few.

Amanda M