Monday, May 16, 2011

Instagram addiction...

Instagram in an app on my phone and it's a fun break from carrying around my large camera sometimes. 

My Mother's Day Roses
 Aaron got my Mom and I roses and mine where a really pretty pink and white mix.  I've never seen any like it before.

 Nan gave Ava the extra tire swing to bring home and her Daddy put it up for her.

 Chasing me around the kitchen.
 A spectacular example of Ava bedhead
 Her new love purple of Poppie's last gifts to her.
 Entertaining me when I was finishing my final paper for school.
 Mothers Day pinic
 Trying to convince Nan to let her stay the night and telling me to go home.  See the tug on Nan's hand...hahah.  That house is like crack for addicting :)  Or maybe it's never being told no, getting ice cream for breakfast, and dessert before dinner.
 Nan's kitchen

Enjoying life....

Lately I have been trying to take a step back and enjoy whatever comes and savor those calm moments.  You know those ones when you relize you don't have to do anything else in that moment but to enjoy it.  Like pushing Ava on the swing and hearing her squeal with delight as the breeze takes her breath away and her tummy jumps.