Sunday, September 11, 2011

The last few days...

Catch up on my 30 day photo challenge....

First let me peak back at my last post to see where I left off...

                                                                     ..........ok so I left off on day five so here is day 6-10 since I still haven't done today's.  Today's theme is something fun so I suppose I need to find something fun to do.  Ava has mastered her forward roll but she said I couldn't take a picture of her doing it.  I'll work on her more though because I'm so proud of her.  She came home from gymnastics and practiced until it was perfect.  I'll try to get pictures and a video.

Day 6:  Childhood Memories- My old dollhouse that my Nana built and decorated for me.  Ava and I have been playing with it in the mornings.  She loves rearranging the furniture.  Guess I need to get some little people for it.

Day 7:  Something New- Ava now has racing boots just like daddy.  I just need to order her gear now.  Well at least pants for now so her legs are protected from the hot pipes when she rides with Daddy.

Day 8:  Technology- I drove past a few Amish houses the other day and saw there clothes out of the line and thought about how clean modern machines get clothes.

Day 9:  Faceless Self-portrait- I tried a few different things first but Ava kept running into the picture to "steal" the scene.  So as a last resort I jumped up on the counter and got this.  Can you tell I live in flip flops during the summer?

Day 10:  Something I made- Ava and I made a cake from scratch.  She loves to bake so I measured out all of her ingredients for her and told her which order to add them.  I preheat the oven, prepare the pans, and she helps spread the batter into them.  Then her and Daddy lick the bowl :)