Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A phone dump and some train thoughts...

Haha that title sounds funny when you read it.

Here are some photos I've been meaning to share off my phone.



Hot chocolate


I LOVE this...taken in Nan's backyard.  So wished I had my camera on me but super glad I at least had my phone.
Full of Sass
Pouting because I told her if she didn't slow down she was going to bust her butt on the floor...apparently three year olds are super emotional.
The fall leaf wreath Ava made...inspired by pinterest.
A sweet pink headband made by one of my MOM friends. 

All of the above photos were edited with the Instagram app.  Love that little app.

Ok, on to the trains.  Now that Ava's birthday is over I need to start thinking about Christmas.  Originally we were going to do dance lessons but with her moving up to the big girl gymnastics class and the expense of dance I decided we would wait another year.  I want to give her a chance to see if she likes and enjoys gymnastics first.  Soooo, of course she is really into Thomas and friends.  She has Thomas but talks all the time about Percy, James, Emily, etc etc etc.  Oh and sodor...she is always talking about sodor.  So I have been scoping out craigslist looking for a train table in good shape.  I figure if I can score a good table from craigslist with maybe even some tracks or extra trains it would really help us give her "more" for Christmas.  Plus I'm sure Santa would appreciate us thinking about his budget ;)  Then we could get her a few new trains/tracks and she will be set.  I can't imagine the happy overload if she were to find a train table on Christmas morning.  So if anyone knows of someone looking to unload some Thomas stuff or a table let me know.  Also if you happen to come across one on craigslist send me the link.  

Ava wants to look at more trains on amazon so I have to run.  Wish us luck tomorrow with her first big girl gym class.