Monday, February 22, 2010

Day Fifty-Three

A little birdie...

This morning I was getting ready for class and I kept hearing this tapping noise.  I stopped applying my makeup and peered out the bathroom to see what it could be.  I walked out into the room and laughed when I saw a little red cardinal at the window tapping to get in.  I actually watched him hop away and hop back three different times before it dawned on me to grab my camera.  Of course because it's my luck by the time I ran into the next room and got it the little birdie had flown away.  However the view through the window was still pretty cool so I had to share.

I ♥ faces "Hands On Fun" Challenge

It's been a few weeks since I have participated in an I heart faces challenge.  I decided to try again this week since I had a photo for the topic already done.  Many of you may recognize it from a previous post.  The lighting was great that day as Ava peered outside.  This time instead of focusing on her adorable face I decided to go for something different and get those chubby fingers tapping on the sill.