Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day Thirty- Four...a bonus post.

Look closely..

Today I set out with my camera to find pictures of small objects.  I feel like we all tend to forget to see those small things.  That's the wonderful part about having a small child around.  I now find myself on the floor, on her level, seeing my world from a new perspective.

This next set of photos is one of those sets that shows you to look at the whole thing to see the real story.  Like I had said before I set out with the intent of photographing the small things.  So here is a set that I took of cheerios earlier today.  Watch the true story unfold...

Yup that's right I have a climber.  She loves to climb anything and everything.  She was watching cartoons but saw me on the other side of the table and instead of coming around she came over.  That was my last picture because the little stinker grabbed up all of the cheerios and ate them.

Day Thirty-Four

The little things...

Today in my anatomy of movement class we did postural assessments.  I will have to do ten postural assessments as a project for this class.  Any takers???  You know you want to.

Today it was my turn to have one done on me and some of the observations I was aware of but others I was not.  During a session last week when my classmate was palpated my spinal column it was discovered that I have two vertebrates that are misaligned (a chiropractic visit would be awesome).  During the postural analysis they found that my upper body is slightly twisted to the left and higher on the right side.  My lower body was aligned correctly so it seems that I could really use an alignment (and no, not the kind for my car).

In case you're wondering, yes I am still in the massage program and no, I didn't switch to a chiropractic program.  You see massage therapist's will use postural analysis' to find out what their clients body is doing.  It tells them what muscles are lengthened and which are shortened.  It really helps you determine the areas of your clients body that need work.    

It's funny that we would do the postural analysis the very day after I just posted about my posture.  I now have a few more clues as to what my body needs to get back to where it should be.  To re-find it's center because right now that center is thrown forward and to the left.  Sometimes I find that in order to understand the big picture you have to look at the smaller objects within it.  So with that I bring you pictures of a very small object that is currently sitting on the mantel.  It really belongs on top of a bird house but it got knocked off.  This little guy is approximately two inches long and maybe an inch high.  Isn't he beautiful!

I took two sets of pictures today of two different subjects.  My initial intent was to post them both in the same post but I feel they each deserve there own.  I will return shortly with a second post.  A BONUS!!!