Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day One Hundred and Sixty-Two

Stomping Anthills...

We have an enormous population of ants in the yard.  Seriously I think they are building an army to take over the world.  Ava is an army of one destroying their homes every chance she gets.  Luckily they build fast so they are back the next day for her to knock down. 

Day One Hundred and Sixty-One

Love Daddy...

Friday evening I took an opportunity to take some photos of Ava playing in the back yard.  She has this little brown dress that I LOVE.  It looks super cute on her and it was a steal.  I found it on the target clearance rack for $3. 

Day One Hundred and Sixty


Chips and not just any kind of chips.  These are her Daddy's favorite sour cream and onion chips.  Like father like daughter is so many ways it's scary. 

Day One Hundred and Fifty-Nine

Baking up a treat...

Ava and I used the strawberries and made a pie. 

Day One Hundred and Fifty-Eight

Tiny Apples...

Ok, really they are cheeries but Ava kept calling them apples.  We got them at the farm and they are yummy.

Day One Hundred and Fifty-Seven

Birthday with my baby...

Last Monday was my birthday and Ava and I drove to up north to a farm to meet with two of the Mom's from my Mom group and their two kiddos. It was an amazing birthday.  Nothing spectacular happened but I got to spend the day with Ava and she had so much fun which just made it that much better.  I can't wait for the next meet up.

Day One Hundred and Fifty-Six

Birthday Cookout...

Last Sunday my Aunt and Uncle invited Aaron, Ava, and I (my Mom and Kate as well) to their house for a cookout for my birthday.  They live on a lake and Ava got to go swimming.  The girl LOVES water.  We all had a great time...especially Ava :)