Now I would agree that this looks cruel to photograph your child while they are stuck in the chair...HOWEVER...I had already freed her once and she had climbed back up and got herself stuck again. So I grabbed the camera so you too could enjoy.
and one of Layla beginning to yawn...guess she was finding it all rather boring.
Ava was amused
her head just wouldn't quite fit
Eventually the cereal was cleaned up and Ava agreed to be freed.
-----The next day we practiced her hair for her halloween costume...a bit early I know but I wanted to get it figured out and Nan gave me some old hair setters and instructions on how to do the rows.
She always gives me the same what are you looking at look
At two....almost three she already knows she's cute
and so does she
The curlers stayed in for about two hours. Until she decided she wanted to lay on the floor with Layla and they got in the way then she said "take these out now please so I can lay like a dog"
I left the front section pinned back for a while (a few hours) until the curls calmed down a bit
Later that evening...can you figure out who she is going to be yet????
Wonder who she is looking for???
all grins and giggles
Ok back to catching up on Teen Mom...I prefer to watch it online so I can fast forward thru all of the annoying Amber and Gary parts...they are almost as bad as the dreadful Jersey Shore. Ok well in all honesty I have NEVER watched Jersey Shore but the promos speak for themselves. Aaron likes to say just the promos alone drop his IQ haha.
Peace Out People