Monday, January 18, 2010

Day Eighteen

Foofa cures all...well at least yo gabba gabba does.

Sometimes we all have those moments where we are tired and just need some downtime.  Ava has been cutting molars and has been more tired than usual.  Today dinner was a little later than usual and she was bordering melt down mode so we had to think quick.  It was apparent that she really just needed to settle and relax a bit.  Well that only means one thing in this house and that's Yo Gabba Gabba.  It is Ava's favorite TV show and thanks to Christmas she now has three DVDs of it.

Let me tell you that this show has an instant calming effect on Ava.  I put in one of her DVD's, sat her in her PBK chair, and handed her foofa and she was happy.  Foofa is a miniature stuffed animal version of one of the characters.  Today it was all about Foofa.

Ava knows how to relax and chill like no ones business.

We are Family!!

The latest I heart faces photo challenge is we are family.  I don't have a great photo of all of us but I love this photo of Aaron and Ava.  It's not a perfect photo as far as photography standards go but it captured a great moment.  It's definitely one of my favorite photos of Ava and her Daddy ♥