Right off the bat I bet a lot of you are thinking I am referring to Ava, well you are wrong. Ava is one and while she needs some guidance she is not quite in need of discipline just yet. Me, I am the one in need of some discipline and I mean dietary discipline. I use to be on a super strict diet that meant I could have no alcohol, no caffeine, no chocolate, no dairy, no greasy foods, no spicy foods, no acidic foods, and no red meat. Basically if it was bland and colorless I could have at it. When I got pregnant I found I was able to eat anything and it did not upset my stomach at all. So what did I do; I splurged and it was wonderful.
I am no longer pregnant and haven't been so for over a year so I need to get back on track because my tummy is not happy with me. I am slowly cutting majority of dairy out of my life. I will leave cheese as long as it is not greasy, melted, or heavy cheese and see how that goes. I am allowing myself to drink caffeine in the form of coffee and tea but plan to cut out soda. I will allow myself a soda on occasion but no more daily soda drinking. I will never ever cut out chocolate again because that's no fun but I will try to lean more towards dark chocolate treats. I will also be staying clear of all things greasy because they are never good for anyone.
In honor of my return to strict eating habits and hopefully a happy tummy I give you the roughest battle of all. The most evil thing ever created because it is oh so good and oh so bad. Soda!!!!! When I got pregnant I suffered from horrible heartburn and I drank soda constantly in effort to sooth my sore throat. This week I have had one soda which is pretty good since I use to drink one or two a day. I am a firm believer that if you need to be drinking diet then you shouldn't be drinking it at all. I don't believe I need diet I just don't believe I should be drinking soda, period. Oh and I also believe that aspartame will kill you and it gives me massive headaches so I stay away from it.
They just had to make the can blue...isn't it pretty!! (This picture depicts last week)
This picture is this week
Soon very soon you will be in the corner only to resurface on occasion.
I need to find other things to drink that aren't so poisoning. I will miss my fizzy friend at dinner :(