Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cuter than a kitten!!!

Just another fun day with my bright and bubbly two year old.


When her Daddy came home she ran to the door meowing at him.  Today she was Ava the cat and I think she really enjoyed her "cat face", as she called it.  I'm really loving my Tuesdays with her.  They really are a nice break and she has been extra cuddly with me lately so we lounge and cuddle during morning cartoons.  It's such a gift to have such a wonderful child...she really makes my days brighter.  This is what we were but on this earth for.  To have children and watch them grow...it is our one true purpose.  It's like all the time that existed before them was simply a waiting period before life truly began.

I am beyond blessed....it is such a happy life.